Mobile strategy

Why is a mobile site important?

Consumers are on the go. Businesses now need to take advantage of the huge space mobile offers. If you don’t have a website optimised for mobile devices, you could be missing out on valuable business.

Expert mobile advice and design

The rules for mobile are different. A regular website won’t cut it on a smartphone – you’ve got much less space to get your message across. Our design team will create a mobile site that gives the user access to all of the basic information, keeping in mind that while your mobile site is a far more streamlined version of your main one, it is still representing your brand. We’ll keep it true to the personality of your business, and include a redirect back to your main site. Our experts will also ensure your mobile site is optimised for multiple phones including iPhones, Android and tablet computers.

Mobile campaigns

With the popularity of smartphones on the continual increase, QR codes are an amazing opportunity to get people’s attention while they’re on the move. If you’re thinking about running a QR code campaign, we can help with that too. Our creative team can design your QR code, while our marketing strategists can help you with the nuts and bolts of your QR code campaign. 

Read about our client relationship management software and how to get socially engaged with your customers.

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